- Captain Sim is not affiliated with any entity mentioned or pictured on the textures.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
- Anyone is allowed to repaint/modify any texture map (sheet/file).
- The repainted/modified textures are allowed for distributed as freeware liveries for Captain Sim products only.
- Please do not include all texture maps in your packs, but repainted/modified maps only.
- The repainted texture maps can be uploaded to any web site.
- 'Captain Sim' must be listed in the credits. See Paint Kit manual for details.
- Info on all repaints (free liveries) must be submitted to Captain Sim online catalogue.
- We neither check the content of the free liveries packs nor support them. Use them on your own risk.
- Any Captain Sim texture and/or any part of a texture and/or Paint Kit may not be used in any other project regardless if it is commercial or freeware.
- No one is allowed to modify and distribute any part of the product except the repainted/modified texture maps.
- All repaints (free liveries) created using Captain Sim Paint Kit remain a property of Captain Sim.
- This copyright policy is subject to change without notice.